About us
"It is a happy talent to know how to play"
Karalee Community Kindergarten offers a kindergarten/ pre-Prep program for children in the year before they attend school.
Our kindy offers two Pre-Prep programs for children aged three and a half to four and a half years. To be eligible for Pre Prep, children must turn 4 before June 30 in the year that they attend.
In 2023, we will offer two groups:
Blue Group – Monday and Tuesday
The sessions begin at 8:00 am
and conclude at 3:30 pm.
Green Group – alternate Wednesdays and every Thursday and Friday.
The sessions begin at 8.52 am
and conclude at 3 pm.
Our program follows term times for the State School system, with four terms of around ten weeks.
C&K's kindergarten programs are guided by university-qualified teachers and support children to be curious, capable, and collaborative learners.
At C&K we know that children do not learn in isolation, for us learning is partnership between teachers, children, parents, and communities.
Our curriculum approach, Listening and Learning Together, aligns with both The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF), and the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline (QKLG).
Your child's learning journey is shared with you via conversations with your child's educators and through written documentation in your centre, and through Storypark (an app and website).