Our Learning & play areas
Our indoor and outdoor learning environments will honour your child’s right to play and to a happy and fulfilling childhood. Our kindy is a place where they will belong, learn and contribute to a community of learners.
Through C&K’s Curriculum Approach children’s learning will be full of wonder and possibility. Your child will experience many opportunities to explore, solve problems, develop friendships, imagine, use their creativity and extend their capabilities in language, literacy and numeracy.
Dedicated teaching teams use C&K’s Curriculum Approach to create a living and learning community that values your child as a competent and capable learner and welcomes you as a partner in their learning. Culturally sensitive and inclusive practices will ensure your child’s talents and abilities are developed to the fullest.
You will see:
• respectful relationships and responsive interactions
• connection with the natural world
• ongoing projects and investigations
• relaxed, quiet and peaceful times as well as active and energetic times
• abundant resources and learning opportunities.